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Consider these facts:

  • Every 20 seconds a child dies from lack of access to clean water.

  • Women and children in many communities spend up to 60% of each day walking to collect water.

  • 40 Percent of Sub-Saharan Africa is Without Access to Clean Water

Through the WATER for AFRICA program, We Help Two partners with individuals, schools, and organizations to raise funds for water projects throughout Africa. These projects become a lifeline for the surrounding communities and reduce the risk of waterborne illnesses. No matter how you choose to raise the funds, we will report back to you with pictures and details about the project you have funded so can see the impact of your efforts.

Uploaded by We Help Two on 2018-03-08.

Socks for Clean Water

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How it works

How It Works: 

3 pair sock packs are sold for $12 per pack

  • 400 packs sold = 1 full water project

3 pair sock packs are sold for $10 per pack

  • 500 packs sold = 1 full water project

1 pair packs can be sold at $6, every two of those sold equals a pack.

Local giveback: What makes the program unique is that for every pack of socks sold, you will also receive a pair of socks for donation to a local organization of your choice.